Santex Rimar Group is dedicated to contributing technological excellence, process know-how and all possible efforts to maintaining a healthy environment for future generations. The Group commits itself to following strict guidelines in fulfillment of this promise.

Santex Rimar Group has identified specific fields where it can make a difference: labor, environmental friendliness, energy and water saving. But sustainable behavior starts from within, so the whole organization and every management and staff member, at the headquarters and all other locations around the world, stands united behind the goal to preserve the planet.


SANTEX RIMAR GROUP operates under one of the world’s biggest photovoltaic roofs

SANTEX RIMAR GROUP’s headquarters complex at Trissino, Italy, is part of one of the largest architecturally-integrated photovoltaic systems in the world. The technology uses solar cells to convert energy from the sun into a usable power supply.

SANTEX RIMAR GROUP has been based at the site since 2015. Its 1,600 square meters of offices and 7,000 square meters of production space form a unique photovoltaic system which provides energy to all the group’s operations there. It means that machines from Isotex, Sperotto Rimar and SMIT are made from green energy in Trissino.

The 3.1 MW photovoltaic plant in Trissino has been in operation since May 2011 and repowered in 2023, it produces about 3.7 GWh of energy, saving 1,970 tons of CO2 per year.

“We understand our role as machine manufacturer and as the enabler to transform our industry into a better world. We use our profound understanding of processes and our technical innovation power for economical and respectful handling of resources such as water and energy and to save the environment. Still, the main focus is always on the well-being of the individual.”
Simone Rancan, CEO, Santex Rimar Group

Brands under SANTEX RIMAR GROUP want to empower customers to make their production as sustainable as possible. They focus on saving energy, water and chemicals. One machine was especially developed to make the workplace a better environment for staff.

At SANTEX RIMAR GROUP, we believe that the sum of small initiatives produces big results. The following initiatives are running at the headquarters:

Planting trees

Saving paper saves forest, as cellulose from trees is one of the main components in producing paper. SANTEX RIMAR GROUP goes one step further: for the paper still used – print-outs and copies – one tree will be planted for each 3,000 sheets of paper proceeded by the copying machines.


100,000 bees are being protected by SANTEX RIMAR GROUP. For good reason, since 80% of human food resources depends on bees. Following the Bee2Bee initiative the Group takes an active part in protecting this endangered insect.
Bee2Bee is an environmental protection movement in support of the artisanal, ecological and natural production of honey to promote biodiversity and the right balance of anthropogenic nature.

Strictly no plastic

SANTEX RIMAR GROUP pursues a no-plastic policy for its headquarters as well as subsidiaries. No plastic bottle waste: that’s the challenge. The Group underlined its willingness by providing re-usable (and nicely branded) aluminum bottles which are ideal for refilling at water stations in offices and workshops.